April was probably the busiest month for me this year, in fact not since the last month or so with WP Email Capture last July has there been a month I have been so full on. As such did my April Challenge – my secret – a success?
April Challenge: Success!
Yes it was! It was a rush towards the end, and it had a few tear out hair moments, but overall it was a success. I achieved what I wanted. And as it was a success, I have a reward.
The reward will be a party. It will be held somewhere in Chorlton. I will let you know when I plan this.
May Challenge: Another Secret!
Again, May Challenge is unfortunately another secret, for completely different reasons to the above. Hopefully when
I’m a bastard, I know. Thankfully June’s challenge, which I’ve already come up with, is due to go out in the open.
Promise a meaningful blog post soon.
@rhyswynne Will we EVER know what your April challenge was?
what a load of boring bollox
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