Where the Hell is Matt? In Manchester

In my last post, I talked about Matt, from the internet viral videos “Where the Hell is Matt?”, visiting Manchester to record a new video. That was last night, which I attended.

I was running a little late (an epic game of Angry Birds meant I missed my tram stop) so missed the first recording, but by the second cut I moved into the background and followed the simple choreographed moves. The whole process took about 30 minutes, after which Matt signed autographs and copies of his book, as well as posed for photos.

It was great fun and a nice distraction from a cold Wednesday in early Autumn. The video will go on the internet in early 2012. I’ll be at the back, to the left, in a grey hoodie.

If I make the cut, though!

Why You Shouldn’t Trust Wikipedia As Your Source

“Sheffield is the world’s oldest football club.”
“No it isn’t.”
“Yes it is, check Wikipedia.”
“Yeah you probably shouldn’t trust Wikipedia. Look! It now says you’re the manager of Sheffield FC!”

And so was another day in work. Dan had changed Wikipedia page for Sheffield FC to make me as their Manager – unfortunately it never got changed back, and the Grimsby Telegraph said I was Sheffield FC manager.


It worked out okay. You’re Supposed to Be At Home got mentioned in The Cod Almighty Fanzine, making it a huge traffic day for my blog. Result!

Unfortunately, I lost 2-0.

A Summer Not Wasted

Last weekend I spent the weekend in the Lass o’Gowrie for In Da 80’s, a classic gaming event featuring much alcohol and game playing. As the weekend was wet, I didn’t mind spending it indoors, plus I get to speak to many people I’ve gotten to known in the year or two I’ve spent going to these events. But one thing I’ve yet to do is win a tournament.

This changed last weekend.

You see, when I was the tender age of 10, my favourite item I owned was a Commodore 64. For those who don’t know, the majority of the games came out on cassette tapes, which was played into the machine with a tapedeck. In the summer of that year, my tapedeck’s eject button broke, leaving one game in there – Buggy Boy.

Being my favourite toy, and an alright game stuck in the tapedeck (which I could still play), I played it religiously, getting pretty good. Mum thought she wasted my summer. I proved her wrong this weekend.

You see, one of the games in the 80’s Pentathlon was Buggy Boy. A few pints and large swathes of hogging the system, and this was the result (I use my online handle “retrogarden”).


I won a free pint and £20 gift vouchers (in the raffle), and is a rare highlight in what has been a bit of a down month! Damn post holiday blues!

What’s been your best gaming moment?