Rhys Wynne

Clever Git

My transfer from SEO to pretty-much-full-time-WordPress-developer has been rather swift. I’ve learned a lot in the past year and a half, not only from the technical side and coding (seriously, I’m struggling reading previous code that I wrote from a year or two back), but also from project management perspective.

I heard about Git from a few people. “You need to be on Git!”, they say. “It’ll save your life one day!”, they say. But it scared me a little bit. The only bit of version control I’ve been familiar with for years was SVN which was how the WordPress Repository runs. However, it scared me more not to learn Git, so after a fascinating talk by Jenny Wong at the last MWUG, an opportunity for a quick plugin, perfect for GitHub, presented itself via a support request for WP Email Capture. It was a plugin which would’ve taken an hour or so to code together, which required little or no support, and perfect to stick on GitHub.

So an hour or two later the Multisubscriber Plugin for WP Email Capture was born.

It’s a plugin that allows you to subscribe to any list in the Premium version of WP Email Capture. Obviously for this plugin you require the premium version of WP Email Capture (which you can buy using a the code of THANKS30 until Monday). It’s unsupported, and doesn’t really work outside the box beyond the support request, but it’s there for you to play with.

Should you wish to play with the plugin, you can see the repository for this plugin on GitHub, or (like/follow/friend?) me on GitHub as well. Here is my GitHub profile.

Anyway, am still learning, so would love to hear your GitHub tips! Please share them in the comments. Cheers.

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