The Desire to Disenshittify

“Disenshittify” may be my word of the year.

I read with interest from Tim Nash’s Newsletter (you should subscribe to it) Cory Doctorow’s “Disenshittify or Die” article (also a talk – hopefully available soon), and it resonated with me with how there is a movement to make things less shit, and how things have become so bad.

I was going to talk about it in my newsletter (again, you should subscribe to it), but thought I’d talk about it here instead. Noticing how crap Twitter has gone, how Threads is barely functional (sorry Threads, I really want to like you, but eh) and how things online have – with a few exceptions – have gotten worse. Chuck in the collective hard on services have for AI* and the desire to disenshittify and retrieve focus for my online habits has become a focus for the year.

Becoming Leaner Online

Rather than rant about how online services have all gotten worse, I’ll share how I’ve become to be more lean online. It’s still a learning process, but here’s a few things I’ve found useful.

First off – I am subscribing to newsletters now! Newsletters are actually wealths of information (or try to be), and I try to subscribe to them. At the same time, I’m unsubscribing from ones that are either spamming their products or affiliates – looking at you Marriot Benvoy who wanted me to join a betting site recently. They seem to be following the b3ta model of newsletters with a lot of useful stuff with the occasional sponsorship. Straight into your inbox.

Secondly, I’ve really enjoyed The Disenshittify Project, which creates and curates lists of projects that are not bloated mess. These are small things that do are simple and do not need to be bloated. Two they have are a password generator and a QR Code Generator. Excellent. They also have suggestions for where to go next. I’d particularly like a JSON Decoder that isn’t ad supported.

Maybe one more to my to-do list?

EDIT: Thirdly as a Brit you have a wondrous version of Amazon that is so much better. Argos! Bezos has his billions and he can’t get folks to deliver to same day? Pish. You can get a couch the same day from Argos. A fucking couch. No knock off products, everything is of reasonable quality, and it isn’t noticeably more expensive.

Where do I see this going? I’m not sure. I would love people who create things to make the internet be supported for their work, as the reason advertising is so prevalent is creators are not being supported. Patreon systems? I don’t know.

I’m not against advertising. A lot of newsletters I do subscribe to have advertising. Or against affiliate marketing. High quality services I’m more likely to support.

But at the same time the AI, bloated tracking mess is – I feel – unsustainable. I’d love to get back to a more simpler web. Where folks own their content, and share with smaller, like minded communities. Hopefully I’m not the only one who believes that.

Featured Image: “With Glass-like Clarity” by JFXie is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

* It was on the Giant Bomb Podcast that we are about two years into the “AI Revolution” and there is a lot of friction still to it. I’m still not 100% sold on it, though I do use it. But like everything, I don’t want it shoved in my face at every opportunity. I want to choose to find it useful, not be the default.

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