Rhys Wynne

Zavvi Zbox Welcome Box – Unboxing

So here we go another unboxing video! I’m enjoying doing these but this one is slightly different, this is Zavvi’s Zbox.

This box is slightly different as their deal was 3 boxes for £20. The three boxes are a Marvel Mystery Box, a Welcome Box and one of the monthly subscription boxes. This is a review is for the Welcome Box, which you can see below.

Zavvi Zbox Discount Code

I talk about in the review that I paid £15 for all 3 boxes.  This is achievable through Quidco, a service that offers cashback for various retailers. Right now they’re offering £5 cashback per subscription box service. You get paid slightly later but it’s well worth getting.

Is The Zavvi Zbox Welcome Box Worth It?

Overall, this box is probably not worth the £20 if you wish to paid for it, the mug is quite nice and the Lego is a welcome gift but the calendar is an absolutely terrible item for the box. It seems like it’s just a waste. However for 3 boxes for £20 deal (or £15 if you buy via Quidco), you do get some nice items.

Own Part of the Box!

From the box, I’ve put the following things on eBay:-

What Do You Think?

If you have purchased this box, let me know your thoughts? Did you get something different? Was the calendar as useless as I found it? Please let me know in the comments!

If you enjoyed this video, please check out my other Unboxing Videos or Subscribe to YouTube so you can see more.

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